Os Faroles

About Us

About Os Faroles

We are Ariel and Tomer, good friends from Israel, both of us in our late 20s. We grew up together in the same small village in the Galilee (in northern Israel), and we always knew that one day we would do something big together. Even when we were younger, we initiated projects, managed teams and realized ideas, each in his field and through the opportunities that emerged in his life.
Sobre Os Faroles - Sobre Ariel y Tomer.
We arrived in Galicia at the beginning of 2022 in search of land to buy, and found Os Faroles totally by chance. Our dream had been to buy a piece of land somewhere peaceful in the world, work the land and build our houses and business with our own hands, as we are, both of us, passionate about building, crafting and creating. We never planned to buy a restaurant and hotel, but when we arrived at Os Faroles and considered the property potential, its geographical location, the development of the region, the stunning landscapes, the pastoral coast, the amazingly friendly people and, most importantly, our intuition that this place was a gem, we realised that this was a project of a lifetime.
The transition here included countless challenges, including learning a whole new language and culture, familiarising ourselves with a new region and the specific customs of Galicia, and entering into a field that was completely foreign to to us: managing a restaurant and hotel.  But we knew at the outset that if we trusted ourselves, worked hard and were not afraid to make mistakes on the way, we would succeed.
Sobre Os Faroles - Sobre Ariel y Tomer.

About Os Faroles

After moving to Spain, we were fortunate to meet Maria – a young woman, also in her late 20s, with rich experience in restaurants and management. Like us, Maria was  ready to embark on the next challenge of her life. Maria joined us as our general manager and under her outstanding management, Os Faroles in its new, young iteration began. We are all young, from owners to wait staff and chefs, and a youthful spirit of possibility and adventure informs everything we do. We are proud of this youthful spirit, just as we are grateful for our older neighbours and clientele who enrich our lives.
Our other team member, and perhaps the most significant one in the restaurant’s management team, is Pepe. This is our Dalmatian dog, who is actually the oldest resident of Os Faroles. The first time we met him he was locked inside the warehouse, scared and confused. We decided we wanted him too, and the previous owners were happy to give him to us. Little by little we fell in love with him and he with us, and today he’s an integral and essential part of the Os Faroles family. Thanks to him, Os Faroles is an animal-friendly place, and when you arrive, you’ll  see him walking around the restaurant and enjoying the guests who come and go.
Sobre Os Faroles - un lugar respetuoso con los animales